Saturday, July 14, 2018

Chronicles #4 Jennifer Batten

Chronicles #4 Jennifer Batten , Celebrating the life and music of real musicians who play real instruments for a living,fourth in a series of posts i will be chronicling on my timeline regularly for myself -today chronicling the great Rock Fusion guitarist Jennifer Batten- she will play circles around the legions of wankers on here.She was lead Guitarist for Michael Jackson in the 80's and 90's and then went on to join the Jeff Beck band and played tons of killer tapping licks and guitar synth parts with Beck on his albums and gigs.My childhood hobby of writing letters to my heroes paying rich dividends in the legends themselves writing back and often sending their own music and books for me to listen to and read,she very kindly sent me her book on 2 hand tapping for me to read too.

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